Social Activities
Social Activities and Events 2024
Upcoming events this year
DATE: December 15th
EVENT: Ladies Christmas Tea
DETAILS: All lady members welcome
12:30pm - 3pm / $5 per person
Food, games and fun activities
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DATE: December 6th
EVENT: Christmas Happy Hour
DETAILS: Wear your best Christmas sweater!
Social hour with snacks from 5 - 6pm (BYOB)
Food - ham, pasta, potato, salad, buns & dessert
6pm - 6:30pm, $10 per person
Gift exchange after dinner (optional)
Bring a wrapped gift - $10 - $15 value
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DATE: November 2nd
EVENT: Fall Furl
DETAILS: Annual year end celebration and awards night.
$20 per person. All members and crew welcome.
6pm - welcome & appetizers.
6:30pm - Chicken, beef, potato, salad, desserts
South Port wine or BYOB
Awards after dinner.​​
DATE: October 4th
EVENT: Happy Hour
DETAILS: Soup & Chili - $5 - BYOB ​​​
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DATE: July 27/28th
EVENT: Cruise In
DETAILS: Arrival and social time on shore or out in the lake from 3-5pm.
Happy hour (BYOB) 5-6pm
Dinner 6-7pm. Burgers provided, bring your own sides.
Cruise out to the lake to watch the sunset.
Bonfire at the club.
Sleep on your boat.
Breakfast at the club - $5 per person, 8:30-9:30am

DATE: July 5th
EVENT: Happy Hour and Invitational Welcome
DETAILS: Come out to the club for a get together and welcome out of town boats to our club.
Any time after 5pm. Food (tacos - $% per person) served at 6pm. BYOB.​
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​DATE: Sunday June 9th (Note date change from June 16th)
EVENT: Sail A Bration
DETAILS: Our annual sailing season opener!
This family friendly event includes a sail past of the Commodore's boat out in the lake and fun games and a dinner back on land after. This years theme is a nod to the iconic Jimmy Buffet and his love of all things summer!
Sail Past at 2pm. Hoist you flags and head out into the lake and sail past the Commodore's boat
to receive your bottle of wine.
Be warned! Water fights have been known to occur out on the water. Better yet, be prepared!
Activities at the club from 3-5pm: lawn games and activities for everyone.
Bring a lawn chair if you have one.
Dinner served at 5pm - $10 per person. $5 for kids 2-10 years. Under 2 free. Payable on the day.
Michigan Diner chicken with potatoes (vegetarian option available with advanced request)
Please bring a salad to share (all salads will be laid out on the buffet table)
Dessert - cookies and squares
Please let the social chair know how many will be attending by June 5th
Note the number of adults / children and if a vegetarian option is requested.

DATE: Friday May 3rd
EVENT: Happy Hour & Northern Brees Presentation
DETAILS: Stop by the club for a quick visit and/or stay for a light dinner and listen to the presentation.
Any time after 5pm. Food (tacos @ $% per person) served at 6pm. BYOB
Presentation by members Erin and Marie Bates on their journey from Scotland to Denmark.
Presentation starts at 6:30pm

Do you have an upcoming social event?
The clubhouse and grounds are now available to members to be booked for special events such as showers, birthday parties, family gatherings and the like!
For details, costs and conditions please download and read the application below.
Please contact the Social Chair to check availability and to proceed with the booking.